Extra Super Avana At 100 % Trusted Pharmacy Store [Exiting Deal]

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 Extra Super Avana



This extra super avana description, you are likely to have serious disorders with sexual function. According to the results of numerous studies, about 60-70% of men over the age of 50 have experienced devastating signs of erectile dysfunction. The temporary disorder will disappear with the inflammation. In such cases, men may have a hard time getting up and holding on due to stress, anxiety, relationship problems and similar disorders.

How Take Extra Super Avana:

Before starting to take Extra Super Avana, it is important to check the directions for this drug and find out what Avanafil is. Follow the instructions on your prescription label. The usual dose is one tablet 30 minutes before physical activity. Swallow the medicine whole with at least one glass of water to avoid bitter taste. It can be reserved with or without food. Do not take more than one linctus every 24 hours. At least 24 hours should pass before your next treatment. Do not take more significantly or in smaller amounts or longer than recommended. He can start running in 15 minutes.

How to Work Extra Super Avana:

Sildenafil citrate is a phosphodiesterase (PDE-5) inhibitor which is an active ingredient in an extra Super Avana (200 + 60) mg tablet that basically works in erectile dysfunction by relaxing muscles in men and increasing blood flow to the penis. Depoxetine hydrochloride is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor used in the treatment of premature ejaculation. Avanafil maintains and maintains erection due to increased blood flow and delivery to the penis. Depoxetine is intended to prolong sexual activity, preventing men from premature ejaculation.

Dosage of Extra Super Avana:

Take Extra Super Avana 30 minutes before planned sexual intercourse. Swallow one dose daily with a glass of sea. Take it orally, completely without crushing, breaking or chewing. You can take extra super avana tablets with or without food. Take extra super avana as presently as you remember. You can also take Super Avana from the next scheduled dose if it is close. Avanafil and dapoxetine overdose are characterized by serious side effects that can create life-threatening conditions. Prolonged lifting can lead to damage to the penile tissue. That is why if you swallow more than one pill for a day, you should immediately refer to any medical service.

Side-effects of Extra Super Avana:

  • Liver damages
  • Kidney problems
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Blood cell issues
  • Heart attack
  • Heart rhythm problems
  • Bleeding impairments
  • Retinitis pigmentosa
  • Vision or hearing disorders
  • Priapism and numerous others

Warrning of Extra Super Avana:

This powerful impotence treatment promotes significant effects on blood circulation, central nervous system and muscle relaxation. As a result, even the slightest drug abuse can lead to dangerous, fatal problems. Make sure you warn your medical professional about all the disorders and underlying health problems you have been diagnosed with. Extra Super Avana is inadvisable for patients who are sensitive to its components, as well as those who have severe heart defects.

Storage of Extra Super Avana:

Store extra super avanafil in a dark, clean and dry place at room temperature. Before buying make sure the tablets are intact and not damaged.



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