When It Comes to Injuries and Illnesses, Parents Can Visit Urgent Care Centers

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West Point Medical Center is offering Telemedicine and Drive up COVID 19 Testing at all of our urgent care loctaions.If you are experiencing Covid19 like symptoms below, please call us @ (909) 355-1296 for a Telemedicine Consult and Drive up Covid-19 testing.

Unfortunately, individuals become ill and are injured. When your kid is weeping, and in pain, it can be difficult to know whether to see your regular care physician, go to the emergency department, or go to an urgent care clinic. It might be difficult to schedule an appointment with your doctor on short notice or after hours, and certain medical concerns require immediate care.


If you have non-life-threatening but nevertheless urgent injuries or illnesses, you may want to reconsider going to the emergency department. Emergency departments are growing increasingly busy (our national average wait time is now more than four hours) and expensive, particularly for those who pay out-of-pocket.


Because they bridge the gap between a physician's office and the ER, urgent care facilities are a good alternative when you need to see a doctor fast but aren't facing a life-threatening sickness or accident. Wait times are substantially shorter in urgent care clinics than in emergency rooms, and patients pay less out-of-pocket. Nearly all kinds of health insurance are accepted at most urgent care centers for people who have them. 


Fevers - Fevers are unpleasant and might be concerning. A low-grade fever may typically be postponed until your next available visit with your primary doctor. If your kid gets a mild to moderate fever (100-103°F) and other symptoms of the typical flu or cold, urgent care is a great option for helping your child feel better fast. 


Moreover, if your kid has a temperature of more than 103°F that isn't going down despite proper medicine, or if the fever is accompanied by seizures, neck stiffness, or stomach discomfort, you should dial 9-1-1 and go immediately to the ER.


Broken bones and fractures are increasingly prevalent, and they may create quite a shock. They must be treated swiftly, but you don't necessarily need to rush to the ER. Many urgent care centers are prepared to do x-rays and treat injuries on-site, eliminating the need for a protracted wait at the ER.


west point urgent care, the leading Urgent Care clinic in California, provides comprehensive medical care for the entire family. Our physicians and staff are equipped to care for patients of all ages, from toddlers to adults to the elderly. We serve as a necessary link between the emergency room and your primary care physician.


Our Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, and San Bernardino locations will revolutionize your convenience. For further information, please visit www.westpointmedicalcenter.com or contact (909) 355-1296.


