Best College Advice for University Students in UK

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Here's some advice for college that helped this crackhead :) Sorry for being so inactive :( Summer has been kinda busy (and I've also been a little down). Hopefully I'll be better once school starts!

The article would be over four hours long college isn't a video that you can scroll through and skip to the best parts you actually have to sit through the boring parts as well before you head into college you should realize that online engineering essay writing help college is still a place for learning and everything that comes with it so how do you get an unmotivated person to somehow trick themselves into being productive the answer to that is routine think about it like this no matter how lazy and unmotivated you are there are still things in your day that you will pretty much do no matter what for example you wake up and you brush your teeth every morning when you brush your teeth you don't think about oh do I really want to brush my teeth do I need to do this do I want to do this it's more like oh yeah it's nighttime and going to bed.

so I should brush my teeth so the trick with going to class and studying every day it's not so much thinking about it like a choice but more like a routine you should go to class simply because it's what you do in the mornings you know I'm saying remember supervised study back in high school or middle school where you have a set time to work on your essay experts writing help near me during that time you're not really thinking ah do I need to do homework do I want to do homework you just do homework because that's a set time set out to do homework so plan out your college schedule a bit like that a rhythm you can fall into and do without really having to think about why you're doing it because it's much easier to go through the motions than to set the motions every single day so what you want to do with your college schedule is set up a rigid routine that you can fall into without really thinking about it.

My next piece of advice is pretty simple use substances and by that I mean caffeine once at a college I made the revelation that what I lack in serotonin and motivation I can almost substitute with caffeine because the thing is the more energy you have the more likely you're gonna actually do things what I like to do personally is ingest so much caffeine that I feel like I have to do some work or you know do something with my mind and my body because otherwise I feel like I'm going to explode so in general if you drink coffee or tea or Monster Energy or whatever for every single day of college as a whole your energy and your motivation will be a little bit elevated and your health will only a marginally decrease so I'll leave that up to you now of course it's better to not actually try to multitask but the truth is you're probably going to do it.

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