5 Tips To Prevent The Federal Credit Union & Cardtronics ATM Fraud

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ATM fraud has left both cardholders and banks reeling from losses. And while trying to avoid getting conned, the Federal Credit Union and Cardtronics are working to prevent fraud. 

The constant threat of ATM fraud has left cardholders and bank customers alike constantly on edge. While the danger isn’t as prevalent as it once was, hackers continue to find new ways to make transactions at ATMs cost them money. The difficulty in preventing ATM fraud is large because they’re decentralized. This means that the fraudsters don’t work at a single bank; they operate independently of one another.

That makes it incredibly difficult for security measures to be universally implemented. However, there are still some simple steps that a cardholder can take to safeguard against fraudsters. Here are five ways to prevent fraud by Cardtronics and the federal credit union.

Do A Regular Check On Your Account

As a cardholder, you have the responsibility of monitoring your accounts. This includes ensuring that your card’s security is still up to snuff. And since you’re most likely the one who signs the card’s activation form, you’re likely missing or forgetting a signature. This is a flaw in your security protocol. And you can’t expect the feds or any other bank to do anything about it. 

However, you can go through your account’s transaction history. If something looks suspicious, you can easily call the bank and verify the legitimacy of the charge. This way, you can quickly end any transaction you feel is suspicious.

Visit High-traffic and High-profile ATMs

While this may sound like a straightforward decision, it’s worth mentioning. You should always make sure to visit high-traffic and high-profile ATMs because they are safer than standalone ones. Additionally, in high-profile ATMS, scammers want to stay away from these places because they are very open and hence not favorable for committing fraudulent activities.  

Be Vigilant On Any Account Alteration

Another important tip is to be vigilant on any account alteration. This includes changes such as a signature or a PIN. It’s common for cardholders to make these changes without even realizing it. And that can lead to potential fraud. If you notice any alterations, you should call the bank’s customer service line as soon as possible. This way, you can verify that the charge is legit and keep your card safe.

Stay Alert

The using credit union ATM facilities, you should always stay alert. This means that you shouldn’t let your guard down just because you don’t feel like your card is in trouble. This is because the fraudsters are constantly looking for new targets. And that means that they could be targeting you at any given time. This is why it’s so important to stay vigilant. This way, you can prevent the fraudsters from targeting your account.

Lastly, after inserting your card, you will want to key in your pin. However, before you do, make sure that the keypad you use to key in your pin is secure and that nothing is covering it. Hackers sometimes cover the original keypad with a transparent material that could easily capture your fingerprints and the number you click on.                         

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