What are the benefits of Hearing Aids for the people with hearing loss?

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Therefore, hearing aids have been fundamental pieces for people with hearing loss. They are not able to restore hearing, but they do help users hear well.

Hearing problems have become increasingly common, whether due to an aging population, incorrect use of headphones or other reasons.

Therefore, hearing aids have been fundamental pieces for people with hearing loss. They are not able to restore hearing, but they do help users hear well.

Among the main advantages of using hearing aids, there is an increase in quality of life, social interaction and other fundamental aspects of our daily lives.

How the hearing aid works?

The hearing aid is an electronic device that has the function of amplifying sound waves so that people with different degrees of hearing can hear the sounds of the environment. The device consists of three parts: the microphone, the amplifier and the receiver.

How it works is simple: the microphone converts sound waves into electrical signals, sending them to the amplifier. This, in turn, increases the strength of the signals and sends the message to the ear through the receiver.

It is valid to say that the first experience of a user with the device can be a little frustrating. Many sounds may sound louder or even stranger than usual.

If you need to wear a hearing aid, know that at the beginning most people complain more than they are grateful for their existence.

However, after the initial adaptation phase, it is impossible not to fall in love with all the benefits they bring to our lives: from the simplest to the most incredible.

Silly things like hearing the doorbell at home and even serious things like attending a meeting at work on an equal footing with colleagues are once again part of our daily lives.


First of all, listening again is the most powerful benefit of all. We only understand what bad deafness causes in our lives when the hearing aid comes into action and shows us everything we lost, that we missed and that we don't live because of bad hearing.

Hearing what we no longer hear without help opens some doors in our soul that we didn't even remember existed. I'll never forget the first time I listened to TV with devices and not even the physics test that I did at school because I was listening again to the birds that I hadn't heard for so many years.


Before using devices, I didn't even want to know about situations in which I needed to communicate with more than one person.

I would run away from parties, clubs, barbecues, meetings between friends – if I fooled myself, I would run away from all social interactions!!

Hearing aids made me regain confidence in my ears, and it improved my social life immensely.


We spend most of our time living with our own family, and it is with them that we notice a very important benefit: improving family life.

We complain so much that the family doesn't have the patience, but before we become hearing aid users when we have a hearing loss, we don't understand how difficult and tiring our condition is for them too. I remember a lot how much this changed for me through the comments of my mother, grandmother and brother.


When I became a Phonak hearing aid wearer at work, I was shocked by how much more my colleagues came to respect me.

I stopped being seen as the stubborn hearing impaired person who didn't want to be treated because I didn't think I needed it and I started being seen as someone who was trying to improve, and that counts for a lot of points.

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