Is It Worth It to Work with a Career Coach?

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Discover the benefits of working with acareer coach for women in IT. Find out why it’s worth it.

If you’re unhappy with the work you do, that could bleed into other areas of your life. One way to fix things is to hire a career coach who can help you make the best decisions for your professional and personal lives. Here’s what you can expect and why hiring one is an excellent decision.

Career Coaches: What Do They Do?

Career coaches help you fix your brand. They usually pinpoint your strengths, especially the best parts of your professional experience, and market them in the most attractive way to prospective clients or employers. An excellent career coach for women in IT is someone who can craft resumes that put focus on specific skills and experience. They know how to do career planning, use motivation techniques to successfully drive clients to perform harder and better; and they also do a lot of network building. Coaches also help you be accountable for your actions, which adds to your motivation and resolve to work and try harder. So, in a word, yes: hiring one is worth it.

Do You Need to Hire a Career Coach?

Some people think having a career coach is only helpful if you’re sending out resumes and need a job. It’s true that having one to help you face interviews can help you relax and present yourself better to hiring managers. You can also try to prepare for specific scenarios like asking about the salary, negotiating for a higher one, and more. But having a career coach even when you’re already working is also an excellent way to help you regain a sense of yourself professionally. If you’ve been handling the same tasks for years and you can’t see the point of the work anymore, sessions with an excellent career coach can remind you why. It can help you regain that sense of fulfillment and accomplishment that you lost.

How Do You Choose a Career Coach?

A career coach should be someone you’re comfortable with. You’re going to spend hours together. You’ll also need to talk about yourself or how you are at work. Considerthe coaching style of the person, too. Will a friendly approach work for you? Or do you want someone who’s a little strict? Do you want someone who is a bit of a disciplinarian? Will that motivate you more? Consider the style that works for you before you choose a career coach.

How Do You Get Started?

Schedule a consult if you’re ready. An in-person interview—though a video call works, too—can help you get a better sense of the person. That can help you evaluate your compatibility. Do you think the coach is a good match for your personality? Can the coach handle your quirks? Or does the coach’s style work for you? Will it be effective? Will you listen? Consider these questions and more. You can learn a lot about a potential coach from a consult. That is information that you can use to make better hiring decisions so that you can find the best coach.

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